Class Types

We have beginner classes and intermediate class options every week!

Beginner Classes

For people new to swing dancing, learn the basic steps in open frame and closed frame, and learn a few basic patterns! Classes happen every Tuesday at 8:30pm and are always welcome to new dancers!

Intermediate classes

For dancers who are confident with the beginner material and would like to learn more patterns and concepts! Classes happen every Tuesday at 7:30pm or on Sundays at 5:00pm!

Progressive series

Please note if a class is a part of a progressive series! It is is, make your best effort to attend all weeks in a series! It will help both you and the instructors!


Quarterly Schedule

Starting in 2019, we have a repeating quarterly schedule that resets every three months! This gives us a chance to give people opportunities for many different types of classes on two different days of the week! Read on to find out more details about these class types!

Please note! This quarterly schedule only affects our 6:00pm Sunday classes and our 7:30pm intermediate classes on Tuesdays! Our 8:30pm beginner classes on Tuesdays remain unchanged!


Month 1 (January, April, July, October)

Sunday: Swingout Progressive Series
For dancers who know the basics of swing dancing and are ready to take their basic swingout skills and improve them! Each class builds on the previous week, so consistent attendance is encouraged for all four weeks!

Tuesday: Intermediate Pattern-Based Progressive Series
For dancers confident in their basic swing dancing skills who would like to learn build on their foundation by learning a set of patterns! Each class builds on the previous week, so consistent attendance is encouraged for all four weeks!

Month 2 (February, May, August, November)

Sunday: Elective Concept-Based Intermediate Classes
For dancers who feel comfortable with intermediate patterns and would like to put more thought into the mechanics behind their dancing! These classes do not build on each other, so drop-in on any week!

Tuesday: Elective Pattern-Based Intermediate Classes
For dancers who feel confident with basic patterns and would like to learn more complicated ones! These classes do not build on each other, so drop-in on any week!



Month 3 (March, June, September, December)

Sunday: Expect the Unexpected!
This month will find us teaching and performing in our city, and fostering community in our scene! Watch our Calendar for opportunities to participate with us!

Tuesday: Beginner Swingout Progressive Series
If you’re a beginner dancer and would like to learn the basics of Lindy hop, such as swingouts and circles, come to this progressive series! Each class builds on the previous week, so consistent attendance is encouraged for all four weeks!