It’s elective month! Let’s kick it off with some dance games, get creative with your dancing and have fun! Nevermore Challenge - Rule #1: Nevermore shall you stop dancing! From there who knows what crazy rules you might get and what silliness might result!
Parameters - Followers and leads will each be given aspects of their dance to change and emphasize but its a secret! We’ll dance it out and discuss how it felt different for your partner. You’ll be surprised how small elements can change your dance immensely!
Do it Purple! - Each couple will pick a basic lindy move and everyone else will shout out style additions. “Do it with a clap!” “Do it extra smooth!” “Do it purple!” You might be surprised how people interpret!
If…Then… - One role will be given a conditional rule “If your follow swivels, you must then lead a hold!” “Everytime your lead leads a free turn, you must raise your left hand!” Dance it out and see if your partner catches on!